Hey guys!
HOLY CRUMBS it's been forever since I have posted on this thing! I apologize to everyone who was following me on my weight loss journey as I completely fell off the radar. January was a whirl wind of crazyness and then in February I came down with this horrid chest/throat/sinus infection that still to do this day is plaguing me just a little bit. I don't wish that on anyone!
My weight has fluctuated up and down like a toilet seat, but sadly I am pretty much still where I had started months ago. However with the nice weather I have certainly been moving more which has me toning up! The pants are fitting better which is amazing!!
My boyfriend and I purchased a house in the Wasaga Beach area in Ontario and have been here for a really great three months so far! We got a new little puppy who is certainly keeping us busy and have been doing lots of walking, hiking, golfing and bike riding since being up here. There have been a few swims at the beach, but we haven't really had too many nice hot days to be at the beach. Hoping for some more to come soon!!
My boyfriend just landed an incredible opportunity to work out West and he is leaving in a few short weeks to begin his new career. It will be a tough year, but I know it will benefit both of us in the long run so we can both do this! I am hoping that while he is gone there will be less bad food for me to consume in the house and I can concentrate on making all of the healthy and delicious recipes that I love that he very much dislikes lol I am also going to join the local goodlife fitness here to exercise more and meet some new people! I need some friends up here to show me around town!
Anyway I just wanted to let you all know that I am back and that I am going to be more motivated to keep up with this blog. I will get started on sharing more recipes, exercise tips and fun things to do in life!
Chat with you all soon!!
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