Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy Hump Day

Good morning all!

How are we today?  I am pretty fantastic actually!  Last night was my first weigh in after being on Weight Watchers for one week and I am happy to announce that I am down 3lbs!  Amazing!  I made a few small changes to my lifestyle this week and clearly they are working! 

As I mentioned just before the holidays, Weight Watchers works on a points system based on your height, weight, age and activity level during the day.  So you get X amount of points to consume during the day.  They give you a 'food bible', as I call it which lists a huge variety of foods with their points values beside them.  They also track your activity points, so lets say you went for a 40 minute brisk walk with your dog, you have just added 3 points to your day.  Obviously you are trying to stay at your daily limit, but if you are exercising you have the right to eat more to re-fuel your body.  I definitely ate those points last week, but I wasn't only walking the dog, I was doing Zumba and hot yoga.  Both of those exercises earned me 8 points each.  So I was earning anywhere from 8-10 extra points a day.  I don't think I could have done it with out those activity points.  It sure gets you moving!

The biggest changes I made this past week was tracking everything I consumed.  Even if I went over by a point or two, I could be accountable for that.  I also got to planning my meals.  Calculating the points before hand so that I could make any modifications before I started cooking. 

The one change I did not make which Weight Watchers encourages you to do, is to eat diet, low fat/non-fat items.  Since I watched that documentary before the holidays I have refused to purchase anything diet, low fat or non-fat.  It's not good for you so why would I put it into my body.  Weight Watchers works just fine with the regular stuff, I just have to eat a bit less.  I am okay with that!

At every meeting we have to leave with the idea of making one new change for each week, so this week I am going to make sure to carry a snack with me if I travel through out the day.  This way I won't be tempted to grab something at a fast food place or come home and scarf down a whole pile of junk just to satisfy me. This snack could be anything! A piece of fruit, granola bar, etc...points will be calculated before hand of course.

The best part of weight watchers is that all fruits and veggies are zero points!  While they encourage you to eat low fat items which is not so good, they do encourage you to put those healthy green things into your body! I have been doing a lot of that!  Not just with the juicing, but snacking on them as well.  I already feel much better!

I think that my new years resolution to get healthy and get fit is really happening!! I hope that all of you are having success like me and that you are happy doing it! 

Have a wonderful day and I will chat with you all very soon!

P.S.  Have you watched the Hungry for Change documentary?

Thursday, January 10, 2013


OH my goodness.  Have you guys seen this?  This is hilarious, but totally genius at the same time.  The article around it is quite funny as well.


HAPIFork: The Fork That Tells You To Stop Stuffing Your Face (And Nothing About Healthy Eating)

I’m about one Apple product short of being a gadget junkie, and when it comes to fitness and food, I’m pretty hooked on all the apps and trackers out there. But ‘HapiFork’–a new innovation unveiled at CES 2013–is where I draw the line: The electronic fork measures your eating habits–including how fast you’re eating–and blinks or vibrates to let you know if you’re eating too fast. In theory, they’re trying to help you eat a little more mindfully, which I like…but in practice, it’s not nearly as effective as just thinking about what you put in your mouth.
On the HAPILABS website, the fork looks kind of like a plastic kiddies’ fork; on blogs where tech writers have taken their own pictures of it at CES, it looks comically large. Compare:
In ads:
hapifork fork makes eat slower

IRL (courtesy of
hapifork eating fast
But aside from how awkward it would be to eat with a massive electronic device (this is how not to impress your date), it’s also bound to disappoint as the personal diet coach it claims to be.
According to HAPILABS, the fork won’t just notify you when you’re stuffing your face too quickly; it will also track your eating habits and help you change them over time. It measures how long it took to eat your meal, the amount of “fork servings” taken per minute, and the intervals between “fork servings.” Then you can upload the info to their website or app to use their coaching program to “help you eat better and change your eating behavior.”
Aside from the fact that a lot of us eat (and drink) plenty of things that don’t require a fork, the premise that you should just eat smaller quantities of everything ignores some of the most important diet advice: That getting lots of whole, plant-based foods is a lot healthier than trying to get small amounts of processed foods.
I love my Nike FuelBand, even though I couldn’t really tell you what Fuel points mean, exactly, and I use my running apps even though I’m absolutely certain that they’re wrong about the length of my runs. The point is: They make me feel better about moving more, which is always a good thing. But eating less isn’t always a good thing, and it isn’t a diet rule everyone should go by. To figure out what your body needs and how much of it you should consume, you’ll need more than a giant electronic fork.
Photos: Hapilabs,,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1 step closer

Hey guys!

Well it's official, I have signed up for Weight Watchers.  I just felt that I need a little extra guidance.  While I am definitely making some healthier choices I was still finding myself snacking and eating too much at meal time.  Plus this new program seemed really enticing! Now I am one step closer to my weight loss goal and a step closer to being Jessica Simpson right?


My first meeting was last night and I can't tell you how positive it was! I know I am not the only one in this battle to get healthy and stay healthy, but it was nice to be able to talk with some other people and here their ideas.  My first goal is to lose 5% of my total weight.  I am still not okay with telling you the number on the scale, but according to my height, body mass, activity level and my weight, in order to lose 5% then I must lose 7lbs.  I know I can do this!  And now I have to because once a week I will attend a meeting and a weigh in.  I have done this program before and it's so rewarding when that number decreases!

Along with weight watchers I am still doing a lot of physical activities.  So far this week besides walking the dog, I have done a hot yoga class, gone skiing, and tonight I start zumba and have signed up for another hot yoga class tomorrow night!  I would say i'm doing pretty well.  I am also looking at joining a badminton league which will be once a week, but I may put that on hold because I don't think my bank account would appreciate another hit lol

I am really looking forward to seeing the results of all of these programs combined and I am really looking forward to feeling amazing!! Remember it's not the number on the scale, but it's your pant size that matters! With all of the activities I am doing I am hoping to build some muscle and tone up which means I may have a higher number on the scale, but it will be muscle and not wobbly bits!  That is the goal for me! Less giggling down the street :)

My recommendation to all of you this week is to try to incorporate more fruits and veggies!  Add some colour and get that sexy glow back to your skin naturally!